środa, 20 kwietnia 2016

ORDER BY 1 (or other ordinal position) in the JPA criteria API

If for some reason you want to order by using the ordinal position in JPA (e.g. ORDER BY 1,2,3), just use the CriteriaBuilder#literal(T) to specify the ordinal position, e.g:

CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
//you probably want to use the ordinal sorting only in multiselect/tuple queries as only then you control the column order
query.multiselect(column1Path, column2Path, columnNPath);

//some other query logic ...

int ordinalPositionToOrderBy = 1;
Expression ordinalPositionExpression = cb.literal(ordinalPositionToOrderBy);
Order order = cb.asc(ordinalPositionExpression) 

After some thought it is not that surprising - the CriteriaBuilder#literal(T) simply passes the int literal to the ORDER BY clause which in effect gives the desired effect of ORDER BY 1 in the native SQL.

For me it turned out to be useful while working with the MS SQL Server and executing a SELECT DISTINCT ... query ordered by a sophisticated expression. The expected way of

Expression mySophisticatedOrderByExpression = /*...*/;
Order order = cb.asc(mySophisticatedOrderByExpression); 
orderByExpression = order.getExpression();
query.multiselect(idPath, orderByExpression );
//... some more query logic

resulted in ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified error message, although the expression extracted from the Orderwas passed to the query.multiselect(...) method. Switching to ordering by a cb.literal solved the issue.

sobota, 21 listopada 2015

How to assign for loop output to a variable in bash

Just wrap the for loop inside the command substitution brackets $() or - regarded as deprecated - backticks `` and assign it to the variable, e.g.
kamil@kamil-elitebook:~$ cat test.sh 
myvar=$(for i in {1..3}; do
echo $i

echo "myvar=$myvar"

kamil@kamil-elitebook:~$ ./test.sh 

sobota, 24 października 2015

AngularJS - form input custom directive = less code duplication

In all the webapps we write, we usually write forms. And forms usually require some lots and lots and lots of boilerplate and duplicated code. Let's take a look at a code fragment taken from the AngularJS documentation where just two simple inputs are declared:
    <input type="text" ng-model="user.name" name="uName" required="" />
    <br />
    <div ng-show="form.$submitted || form.uName.$touched">
      <div ng-show="form.uName.$error.required">Tell us your name.</div>

    <input type="email" ng-model="user.email" name="uEmail" required="" />
    <div ng-show="form.$submitted || form.uEmail.$touched">
      <span ng-show="form.uEmail.$error.required">Tell us your email.</span>
      <span ng-show="form.uEmail.$error.email">This is not a valid email.</span>

Each input part consist mainly of 3 parts:
  1. A label
  2. The actual input
  3. Validation error messages

It is not angular-specific, it is the way probably 99% of all the forms on the Internet are created. Now, let's imagine in our app we have like 20 forms with 10 input parts each. And on some beautiful day our Boss tells us that the labels should no more contain the ":" at the end. Hmmm sounds like 200 places to change the code :) sweet :) And what if they request us to do some more sophisticated modification - like display the validation messages only after user tries to submit the form? Sounds not only like 200 places to change the code, but also 200 inputs to check validation display logic, too :)

Yes, code duplication is horrible. Therefore, we should always transform self-contained concepts such as an input + label + validation message into an abstraction. E.g. like that one:

<my-input model="user.name" required="true" type="text" label="My label" name="name"></my-input>

This looks a bit nicer. The good news, it is actually possible with help of an angularjs custom directive. The final code looks as follows, the explanations for the most important parts are in the code comments:

'use strict';
 dependencies on:
 - ngMessages to display validation error messages
 - validation.match - this is angular-validation-match module which provides validation whether one field matches 
    value of another field, e.g. password vs confirm password
angular.module('input', ['ngMessages', 'validation.match'])
     * the directive will be called meInput - we will use me prefix for the directives. 
     * Using a prefix for custom 
     * directives is recommended by angularJs developers. And of course don't use ng 
     * prefix as it is reserved for the built-in AngularJs directives.
    .directive('meInput', function() {
        return {
            /* template-building function is used. I don't use static template because of required DOM manipulations.
             While AngularJs docs suggest compile and link functions to do the DOM manipulation, I wasn't able to 
             add custom input to the parent form - the input was in the HTML but was not added to the parent form's 
            template: buildTemplate,
            //transclusion will make it possible to override the default error messages
            transclude: true,
            //the input should be wrapped in a form. And we're gonna need the form's controller to build input's id
            require: '^form',
            //link function - refer to the function itself for detailed description
            link: link,
            //we are creating isolated scope. @ means that we are adding the String literal provided as the directive
            //attribute value and = creates a bidirectional binding between the parent scope property and the directive
            //isolated scope's property. By bidirectional biding we can e.g. bind ng-Model in our directive to a parent 
            //scope property, so that we can read and update it
            scope: {
                name: '@',
                model: '=',
                label: '@',
                required: '@',
                meMatch: '=',

                //it is not used as a scope value, but I specify it explicity for the sake of IDE validations and auto-complete
                type: '@'

        /* modifying the template DOM in compile function was not adding the input to the parent form. After some
         * googling it turned out the template would need to be compiled against parent scope. Building the template
         * string turned out to be a nicer solution
         * The function 2nd parameter is of importance - it provides the values for attributes provided for the 
         * directive function. And values here mean the String literals, not actual value they point to in bidirectional 
         * (=) bindings in the parent scope. The bidirectional binding values will be populated only after the directive
         * is compiled
        function buildTemplate(tElement, tAttributes) {
            //{{::}} - one-time interpolation. The value for inputId is created in the link function, while label and 
            // name are provided as the directive's attribute.  
            var ret = '<label for="{{::inputId}}">{{::label}}:</label>\n' +
                '<input id="{{::inputId}}" name="{{::name}}" ';
            //if and only if meMatch attribute is specified the angular-validation-match directive will be added to the
            if (tAttributes.meMatch) {
                ret += 'match="meMatch" ';
            //type needs to be set once and for all due to issues in IE - we can't interpolate with e.g. {{::}} 
            ret+= 'type="' + tAttributes.type + '" ng-model="model" ng-required="required">\n' +
                    //now some magic with displaying the error messages, with some CSS classes to format the output.
                    //formCtrl is populated by the link function (see below)
                '    <div ng-show="(formCtrl[name].$touched || formCtrl.$submitted) && !formCtrl[name].$valid" ng-messages="formCtrl[name].$error" class="alert-box error">\n' +
                    //here the transclusion - as the transcluded content is above the default error messages, any error
                    //message transcluded will override the default ones. And, of course, we can add new messages as well
                '       <ng-transclude></ng-transclude>\n' +
                '       <div ng-message="email">Please provide a valid e-mail</div>\n' +
                    //this one is very nice - instead of providing a generic 'This field is required' we will display 
                    //the actual field label in the required error message for even better usability!
                '<div ng-message="required">{{::label}} is required</div>\n' +
            return ret

        // the link function does two important things:
        function link(scope, iElement, iAttrs, controller){
            //1. Provides access to the parent form controller so that we can check if the form has been submitted - 
            //this is used in the error messages validation logic
            scope.formCtrl = controller;
            //provides a unique id for the input. At least as long you don't have two forms with the same name on the
            //same page. But you dont' do you?
            scope.inputId = controller.$name + '-' + iAttrs.name;

In the above code I would point your attention especially to:

<div ng-message="required">{{::label}} is required</div>
With this nice trick we have e.g. Name is required message instead of ugly and generic This field is required. A nice usability feature showing that you actually care about your website and the users.

And most importantly, does this actually work? Well, here are the tests (in Jasmine):

'use strict';
describe('input directive', function() {

    var compile;
    var scope;

    beforeEach(inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
        compile = $compile;
        scope = $rootScope;

    it('should display error message when required and empty', function() {
        var testee = compile('<form name="testForm" >\n' +
            '       <me-input name="testName" type="email"\n' +
            '                 model="user.test" required="true" label="label"></me-input>\n' +

        var input = testee.find('input');

        expect(testee.html()).toContain('label is required');

    it('should not display error message when not required', function() {
        var testee = compile('<form name="testForm">\n' +
            '       <me-input name="testName" type="email"\n' +
            '                 model="user.test" label="label"></me-input>\n' +

        var input = testee.find('input');

        expect(testee.html()).not.toContain('is required');

    it('should override displayed error message with transcluded content', function() {
        var testee = compile('<form name="testForm">\n' +
            '       <me-input name="testName" type="email"\n' +
            '                 model="user.test" required="true" label="label">' +
            '<div ng-message="required">Custom required message</div> ' +
            '</me-input>\n' +

        var input = testee.find('input');

        expect(testee.html()).toContain('Custom required message');

    it('should update model value when filled with proper data', function() {
        var testee = compile('<form name="testForm" >\n' +
            '       <me-input name="testName" type="email"\n' +
            '                 model="modelTest" required="true" label="label"></me-input>\n' +



    it('should contain the label with appropriate text', function() {
        var testee = compile('<form name="testForm" >\n' +
            '       <me-input name="testName" type="email"\n' +
            '                 model="modelTest" required="true" label="label text"></me-input>\n' +

        var label = testee.find('label');

        expect(label.html()).toContain('label text');

    describe('match directive integration', function() {
        it('should display error if match is specified and value not matched', function() {
            var testee = compile('<form name="testForm" >\n' +
                '       <me-input name="matchMe" type="text"\n' +
                '                 model="matchMe" label="label text"></me-input>\n' +
                '       <me-input name="testName" type="text"\n' +
                '                 model="modelTest" label="label text" me-match="testForm.matchMe">' +
                '           <div ng-message="match">No match</div>\n\n' +
                '       </me-input>\n' +


            expect(testee.html()).toContain('No match');

sobota, 19 września 2015

How to touch input in AngularJS and Jasmine

describe("Touch a form input to make it display message", function() {
    it('Should display message when touched', inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
        var compiledFormHtml = $compile(
            '<form name="testForm">\
                <input name="testEmail" type="email" ng-model="user.email"/> \
                <div ng-if="testForm.testEmail.$touched">\
                I am touched\

        var input = compiledFormHtml.find('input');

        expect(compiledFormHtml.html()).toContain('I am touched')

    it('Should not display the message when not touched', inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
        var compiledFormHtml = $compile(
            '<form name="testForm">\
                <input name="testEmail" type="email" ng-model="user.email"/> \
                <div ng-if="testForm.testEmail.$touched">\
                I am touched\


        expect(compiledFormHtml.html()).not.toContain('I am touched')

Important things:

  • <form name="testForm"> name publishes the form's FormController into the scope. 
  • <input name="testEmail" type="email" ng-model="user.email"/> ng-model gives the input access to ngModelController, which again is published using the name attribute
  • compiledFormHtml is a JQLite object having a subset of JQuery methods. With find we get reference to the input, which again is a JQLite object. Then we call the blur event with the triggerHandler method, which makes the input actually touched.

poniedziałek, 29 czerwca 2015

Quartz Scheduler + EJB Singleton = sure-fire (?) deadlock

On our project we have used an EJB Singleton as a facade to the Quartz Scheduler. Something like:
public class MyScheduler {

  private Scheduler scheduler;

  private void init() {
    SchedulerFactory sf = new StdSchedulerFactory(props);
    scheduler = sf.getScheduler();

  public void scheduleJob(Class jobClass, Date executeAt) {
    //build Trigger and JobDetail
    //and finally
    scheduler.scheduleJob(jobDetail, trigger);

  private void destructor() {

While this design has many benefits: Unfortunately, such an approach is deadlock-prone if we want to schedule multiple jobs within a single transaction. Consider scenario where you have 2 EJBs, with methods respectively someMethod() and someOtherMethod(). Let's assume both methods run in their own transactions (e.g. use TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED and are being invoked without transactional context):
  1. invoke ejbA.someMethod()
  2. ejbA.someMethod() starts a new transaction
  3. within ejbA.someMethod you schedule some job via MyScheduler.scheduleJob(myJobClass, myJobExecuteAt). Quartz Scheduler acquirers its internal lock on trigger access in the DB (something like SELECT * FOR UPDATE FROM QUARTZ_LOCKS WHERE LOCK_NAME = 'TRIGGER_ACCESS' AND SCHED_NAME = 'yourSchedulerName')
  4. in parallel, somewhere in the same application ejbB.someOtherMethod() gets invoked
  5. within ejbB.someOtherMethod() you want to schedule some other job via MyScheduler.scheduleJob(myOtherJobClass, otherJobExecuteAt). As Quartz is again trying to get its lock on trigger access in the DB and the ejbA.someMethod() transaction has neither rolled back nor commited, it is stuck waiting for the DB lock.
  6. Now, within ejbA.someMethod() you want to schedule another job via MyScheduler.scheduleJob(yetAnotherJobClass, yetAnotherJobExecuteAt). Unfortunately, in accordance with the EJB Singleton multithreading semantics the ejbB.someOtherMethod() acquired the lock to our singleton MyScheduler and ejbA.someMethod() has to wait until ejbB.someOtherMethod() exits from MyScheduler.scheduleJob(myOtherJobClass, otherJobExecuteAt) invocation.

And now we have a classic deadlock - ejbA.someMethod() is holding lock to trigger access while waiting for lock to MyScheduler and ejbB.someOtherMethod() is holding lock to MyScheduler and is wating for lock to trigger access.

In fact, a similar deadlock scenario can happen in any EJB Singleton with serialized access which creates DB locks (not only explicit locks but also e.g. implicit locks for DML updates or inserts)

The solution is much less complicated than the deadlock scenario:
  • either schedule each Job in separate transaction (e.g. annotate the MyScheduler.scheduleJob() method with @TransactionAttribute(REQUIRES_NEW); this has the disadvantage that you lose the atomicity of the business logic that you are executing and scheduling of the job)
  • or schedule all the jobs you need in single invocation of MyScheduler via method like MyScheduler.scheduleJobs(List jobsToSchedule>) where MyJobData class contains all the information you need to schedule a single job (i.e. job class, job execution date time, possibly also job params)

piątek, 26 czerwca 2015

Docker & Gentoo Linux & su could not open session

kamil@kamil-elitebook:~$ docker run -ti oraclelinux:6 /bin/bash
[root@bac7e6cd1aad /]# su - oracle
could not open session
2 hours of googling later:
kamil@kamil-elitebook:~$ docker run --privileged -ti oraclelinux:6 /bin/bash
[root@2f676eeb3b7a /]# su - oracle
[oracle@2f676eeb3b7a ~]$ 

sobota, 21 lutego 2015

JBoss dummy login module with predefined role

In case you need to test authorization of your JBoss-deployed application and you don't want to connect to the remote system or can't configure it to return proper roles for you, you may use JBoss Identity login module:

<security-domain name="mydomain" cache-type="default">
      <login-module code="Identity" flag="required">
	<module-option name="principal" value="myprincipal"/>
	<module-option name="roles" value="ROLE_TO_BE_TESTED1,ROLE_TO_BE_TESTED2"/>

  • mydomain is the security domain name specified in the application
  • myprincipal - principal (i.e. login) name of the authenticated user. Default is guest.
  • ROLE_TO_BE_TESTED1,ROLE_TO_BE_TESTED2 - comma-delimited list of roles that will be assigned to the authenticated user.